Tuesday, March 6, 2012

What Should I Wear To An Audition?

Clothing for one… or lack of - if the role calls for it.  The reason this is an Actor Tip is because we’ve recently had a lot of requests for hip/trendy/edgy types and sadly talent have greatly missed the mark on the fashion aspect of these “looks”. If a client doesn’t think you fit the “look”, they might just skip over your audition and move on to the next. Don’t be a fashion victim.

One big thing to do is ask your agent if there are wardrobe notes. If there aren’t, then use some common sense on today’s fashion and dress for the role.  Chicago has some amazing talent, but one thing it lacks a bit sometimes is fashion sense. Some of the actors get it, most don’t.  This applies to men AND women.  Models typically are decent at picking good clothes to wear and how to dress.  Why is that?  Well, it’s because they are more directly involved with fashion, beauty, and presentation and the fact that their agents demand that they not only look good, but dress well… to get the role or to get a good chance at the role.  Why is this so important?  Because this is a very superficial business!!!!!  Clients are often based in New York and Los Angeles where fashion is a pretty high priority. They know what is hip and trendy just from living in the city. They are also doing current advertising so they are up to speed on what is hot or not so hot… get the drift.  So, if you don’t travel much to those places and see what is fashionable, then read fashion magazines, watch fashion shows and stay up to speed on current fashion. Doesn’t mean the “E Network” needs to be on 24/7, but the occasional glance can do wonders for you and maybe even give you some compliments along the way.

Besides how you look physically, and your haircut, wardrobe says the most about you on a first impression.  Think of it as a first date.  It can add to a character, or it can distract so badly that you won’t get to first base much less a callback.  So, how do you dress for the part?  Use common sense and think about the character. Stick with simple style rules… and generally?  Less is more. Anything too garish, too colorful, or too ill fitting (if you lost or gained weight it might be time for some shopping) will not help… that is UNLESS it’s explicitly called for.  Sometimes a shirt that’s too tight or pants that are too loose may be funny for a spot… but they’re not very funny when we are going for the urban hip look.  (Remember, you want clients to laugh WITH you, not AT you.)  If you are totally clueless, then stick with a basic shirt (FYI we have a blue background so don’t wear that same colored blue shirt or you will be a floating head), stylish jeans (if you haven’t purchased a new CURRENTLY STYLISH pair in 6 months, then go get a cool pair for auditions) and nice, CLEAN, stylish shoes. And if you are really, really not sure what to wear, bring some options to the audition. The Session Director will point you in the right direction.

So a few tangents about bad choices:  Ladies, lose the 80’s and 90’s stuff (hair and make-up included)… it’s dated, and unless you’re M.I.A. you CANNOT pull it off. These things DO NOT WORK: Big shoulder pads, muumuus / sack dresses (flowy dresses without a belt to highlight your waist), ruffles that enlarge your features rather than diminish, and those scarfs tied around your neck that are currently hip only make you look heavier and bulkier. Whoever said big earrings are the way to go has never had them jingle on a microphone or bang from side to side in a close-up.  Fitted tops work when you have the figure… but when you don’t it might be better to loosen it up and hide the rolls.  DRESS FOR YOUR FIGURE.

Men… there’s so much to say.  Please purchase an iron and use it before you arrive. Plaid shirts aren’t always the best way to go. If the role calls for a suit, then WEAR A SUIT and not your T-shirt that you slept in last night. THE MOST IMPORTANT THING for you guys to do is wear clean, well fitted, ironed clothing with no armpit stains (speaking of – if you’re biking or walking to the audition, bring a shirt change. Wet armpits are very distracting and sloppy). This isn’t a dinner date where a woman will dress to the nines, but the guy can show up looking like a slob and still fit in.  (You’re not a Belushi and this isn’t “Animal House.”)  But again, if it’s a character look and that’s what we need then dress for it.  Also, the grunge look is out. High-waisted pants, floods, and pleated cargos were never “in” to be “out.” Invest in your career and go to a store and ask a stylish salesperson to fit you with a nice shirt, pants and pair of shoes.

We say this in good humor, but also out of concern.  We fight for you in so many ways… help us make you look good… Dress for success and dress accordingly.

1 comment:

  1. This is very helpful information! Thank you so much. I hope that I've been complying but I will pay even more attention!
