Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Slating & A Personality Question

The purpose of the slate is to introduce yourself to the client. It is the very first time they see you and I cannot stress enough how much first impressions count! Smiling and appearing warm and friendly shows a director that you’re likable.  So look alive people and be attentive and personable.

We generally start on a wide shot if it’s a group, and on a close-up if it’s an individual.  Because we start on a group wide shot, it’s best to pay attention to the Session Director so that you’re not looking off into space or doing anything strange when they start videotaping the slate.  This doesn’t reflect well on you and you would be amazed at how many people space out during a slate.

Unless we ask you for a specific slate, all we need you to do is tell us your name. We do not need you to tell us your agency. If you’re a guy and have facial hair, you should let us know if you’re willing to shave.  And just a helpful hint – the Director has probably heard all of those “I’m also willing to shave” jokes so we don’t advise going there.

Sometimes a question is asked after a slate to get the actor’s personality.  Make your answers short, witty if possible, don’t be forced or look for cheap laughs… it’s important not to lie or exaggerate as that will read through or bite you in the ass potentially.  Like telling us a great story about your current sweet lovable dog, and then when the director asks you to bring them in because he has a creative idea, you have to borrow your neighbor’s Pitbull that snips at the creatives.  ‘nuff said.

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